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Pre-K Week of December 16-20, 2019

By Abby Stiltner 

This week we will have dress-up days for our last week of school before Christmas.  

Monday- Merry Morning Monday- Wear your pajamas 

Tuesday- TOEtally Tuesday- Wear holiday socks 

Wednesday- Merry GRINCHmas!- Wear green or dress like a character from the story 

Thursday- Ugly Christmas Sweater Day- Wear your favorite ugly Christmas sweater 

Friday- Festive Friday- Wear festive colors red/green and accessories. 

Monday- PTO will be stuffing stockings and getting bags ready to hand out later in the week. Any parent that would like to volunteer to help fill bags, may do so. 

Thursday- The drama club will perform "Twas the Night Before Christmas" for our school.  They will have an evening performance for family and friends of the students. 

Friday- Students will be participating in a school sing-a-long.  Our class will be performing to the Reindeer Pokey,  Parents will be allowed to attend for the sing-a-long.  This will be at approximately 12 or 12:30.  Classroom parties will follow.  

Parents, please send stocking stuffers for our class by no later than December 18th. There are 12 boys and 5 girls in our classroom. 

  Also, please get food/snack items in for Friday by Thursday. Santa is going to try to come by and see our children. 

Be on the look-out for your child's letter to Santa in the Virginia Mountaineer.  The letters should be published this week.  

If you have any questions about this week's upcoming events, please feel free to call me. 

I hope for a fun-filled last week of school before Christmas! 

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Hurley Elementary/Middle (HEMS)


HURLEY, VA 24620

(276) 566-7751
Hurley Elementary/Middle School provides equal opportunity in its programs, activities, and employment. Buchanan County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, genetic information, veteran status, marital status or age in its employment, programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
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