HEMS Drama Team Performs A Snow White Christmas

Hurley Elementary Middle School
Drama Team Performs a Snow White Christmas
On Thursday, December 21, the HEMS Drama Team demonstrated great artistic talent in their presentation of A Snow White Christmas. A Snow White Christmas is a play based on the famous fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, with a special holiday twist. Snow White makes everything beautiful with her snow, but the Queen doesn't want snow or Christmas to happen. Of course, the Queen doesn't get her way. Through the help of the forest animals, seven elves, and the prince, Snow White is awakened, snow fills the air, Santa arrives, and Christmas is merry.
The members of the HEMS Drama Team showed much individual creativity as they planned their costumes, how to present their characters, and decided on props to make their characters the best they could be. The creativity, determination, and cooperation of each team member made for a successful performance of A Snow White Christmas.