Hurley Elementary Middle School Students Become Published Authors

Hurley Elementary Middle School Students Become Published Authors
For the past five years, the students in Charlotte Ashby’s Language Arts class have written and submitted a poem to be considered in Creative Communication’s Fall Poetry Contest. This year, 27 of her students were accepted for publication. Each student‘s writing will be published in Creative Communication’s hardcover anthology. This is not a contest that publishes every entry, so it is an honor to be accepted and published in the book. The Hurley Elementary Middle School community is proud of these young writers.
The following are the students accepted for publication:
Abigail Cline, Chelsea Justus, Chase Justice, Lauren Clifton, Oliva Lester, Kiara Miller, Jayden Justus, Jayme Stacy, Haley Justus, Kevin Looney, Courtney Lee, Skyler Honaker, Dalton Stacy, Vanessa Lester, Josh Ashby, Trey Cline, Makenna Stacy, Peyton Bailey, Brianna Hardin, Tyler Smith, Eddie Hurley, Mason McClanahan, Autumn Hardin, Madison Dotson, Lindsay Justus, Bobby Jackson, and Alexis Dotson.